How Google Delivers Millions of Search Results in mili seconds

You are looking for a specific query, and there are some millions or billions of WebPages with information on the topic. So how correctly Google works to serve you? A brief for an overall view:
What is SEO in Google Search Results

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the exercise of increasing the number and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results, means comes from unpaid visitors. Google always prefer the most SEO friendly websites having quality traffic with a permitted form of SEO in its search results.

What drives into SEO?

To understand the true meaning of SEO, let’s break that explanation down and look at the parts:

  • Quality of traffic. Only quality traffic helps to make a strong visibility on Google searches and it is possible only with applying the accurate and proved various SEO activities.
  • Quantity of traffic. Once you have the right people clicking through from those search engine results pages (SERPs), more traffic is better.
  • Organic results. Ads make up a significant portion of many SERPs. Organic traffic is any traffic that you don’t have to pay for.
Crawling and Indexing:

googleOne of the leading searches Google is taking the support of web crawlers to organize the searched information which is extracted right from the WebPages and other similar publicly displayed content into the Search index.

The process of crawling starts with the available list of web addresses that are available with Google from previous crawls and also via the sitemaps which are shared by the website owners. The web behaves like an expanding library showcasing some billions of books with no proper filing system. Use of software famous as web crawlers are used for discovering the publicly visible websites.

Crawlers check the pages of the sites and then follow links to those pages, just the way one does at the time of browsing for information contents available on the web. Crawlers move from one relationship to others and extract data about the web-pages to send back to servers of Google.

Search Algorithms:

googleGoogle ranking systems make sorting of several billions of websites in the Search index for giving useful as well as relevant results within a fraction of mili second. This type of ranking system is chalked based on an extensive series of algorithms that analyze what exactly a user is looking for before searching the information for you. There are some selected ways that are used by Google for search algorithms to deliver the information the user is asking for.


  • Analyzing user words: The meaning of the search words are essential to explain for giving the correct and genuine answers
  • Matching user search: Looking for the websites having the information which the user is looking for. For example, you search “tips for controlling hair fall.” Now Google will look for pages which are having such keywords either in their title, heading or even on the content body.
  • Useful page ranking: For a single query, several million pages are having the answer for it. To make the best pages rank high, the use of algorithms is done for evaluating the usefulness of the WebPages having relevant information.
  • Assessing searching context of the user: Google takes into account the location of the visitor, search settings, and history. It will help to deliver the exact results which will be useful for the user.
  • Providing the best results: Before the results are displayed Google takes into account the scope for evaluating the relevant data to decide if it about a single topic in the search or more.
Useful responses: Google ensures to offer the search results in a wide range of formats to help the user find relevant information without looking much and quickly.
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